Greenscape Inc | Blog

Winter Must-Do's for Your Property

Written by Greenscape | Nov 30, 2016 2:33:13 PM

Preparing Your Property for Winter

When winter rolls around, it’s time to stay indoors and ignore your outdoor space, right? Wrong! Winter is a great time to make improvements and prepare your property for the coming year. Even better, the relatively temperate climate here in North Carolina allows us to continue working through most of the winter months. Here are some of the landscaping tasks that are best accomplished in late fall and winter:

  1. Irrigation shut down service typically takes place in November. We’ve had a few freezes already, so if you haven’t had your irrigation system and backflow serviced and drained, you will want to do it soon to avoid line breaks from frozen pipes and sprinkler heads.
  2. November is the best month to plant bulbs for spring. Tulips and daffodils are favorites here in the Triangle. Plant them in mass for the biggest impact and watch them pop up and add early color to your landscape in the late winter months.
  3. Late fall and winter are a great time to plant trees and bushes. Many existing trees can also be pruned while they are dormant during the winter months. Check for the specific type of tree or bush you are considering pruning to ensure you do not damage the plant.
  4. Adding lighting to your property can be done year-round. Well-placed lighting can add interest to your property, spotlight ornamentals and improve safety.
  5. Hardscapes are another great winter task. If you have been considering improving your outdoor space by adding a firepit, retaining walls, walkways, a patio, outdoor kitchen or other feature, why not have the work done during the winter so you don’t lose use of your outdoor space during normally heavy use months in the spring, summer and fall?

Interested in learning more? Give our Client Care Team a call at 919.552.7742 or email us to schedule an appointment with a landscape designer.